At the end of each heating period heat cost allocators (with or without electrical energy supply) are read in many flats. Only a high quality of the heat cost allocators and their application guarantees an exact consumption measurement.
This kind of consumption measurement is regarded with skepticism by many tenants All the more important is a clear and trustworthy documentation of the quality of heat cost allocators and their application by voluntary certification marks.
Trust is good - DIN-Geprüft is better

With the recognized and neutral certification mark "DIN-Geprüft", DIN CERTCO offers the manufacturer and suppliers of heat cost allocators the possibility to convince his customers of the quality of his products and to provide him with assistance in making decisions - for our mark is a sign of trust!
With the DIN certification, the manufacturer documents that his heating cost allocator satisfy the standard requirements and that they have been tested and certified by a neutral, independent and competent body.
Testing foundations
The certification mark "DIN-Geprüft" (= Tested) is granted on the basis of the certification scheme for heat cost allocators which governs product testing and certification.
The certification scheme is based on these two European product standards:
- DIN EN 834 "Heat cost allocators for the determination of the consumption of room heating radiators - Appliances with electrical energy supply"
- DIN EN 835 "Heat cost allocators for the determination of the consumption of room heating radiators - Appliances without electrical energy supply based on the evaporation principle"
They specify the requirements and testing procedures for heat cost allocators. The following criteria are subject to the testing:
- Construction
- Sealing
- Temperature durability
- C-values
- Rating factor KQ
- Rating factor KC
- Maximum permissible errors (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 834)
- Aging (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 834)
- External influences (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 834)
- Ampoule (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 835)
- Measuring liquid (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 835)
- Upper temperature limit (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 835)
- Scale system (only for heat cost allocators according to DIN EN 835)
Testing and assessment
Only those heat cost allocators are certified with "DIN-Geprüft", that were successfully tested by a testing laboratory approved by DIN CERTCO, neutrally assessed and thus proofed their compliance with the relevant standards.
After a positive assessment result DIN CERTCO issues a certificate which is valid for five years. The registration number for a clear identification of the certified product has the following structure: 000/00 E (registration number/year endorsement)
All licensees are listed on our website at "Certificate Holder".

We are pleased to answer your questions
DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH