Marks differentiate and inform

The difference between DINplus and the "DIN Tested" mark is that the latter documents conformity with standards, whereas DINplus indicates to the consumer that the product concerned not only meets the basic requirements of the standard but evinces further proven quality characteristics that exceed those required for conformity with standards.
The mark combines the world famous DIN collective mark with the 'plus' for the added value of the product which it serves to document. DIN marks communicate competence and inspire confidence.
The Basis
Standardization in Germany reflects the country's advanced state of technology. Its scope includes not only safety specifications but also quality-related requirements, such as fitness for purpose and environmental compatibility.
The ongoing process of European integration and the globalization of world markets naturally influences the structure and content of German standards. Experience has shown that a consensus cannot always be reached at the regional or international level to adopt the often more stringent product specifications already laid down in the corresponding DIN Standards.
In such cases, conformity with the new standards is easier, but manufacturers whose products meet more stringent requirements than are specified in those standards find a reference to such conformity increasingly inadequate as a statement an product quality. These manufacturers can now use the DINplus mark to document and demonstrate credibly the 'extra' quality of their products.
The Procedure
The requirements to be met by the different products in order to obtain the mark are specified in certification schemes. These are generally prepared by a certification committee
All interested parties are invited to participate in the work of the certification committee. This ensures that the certification scheme is supported by the general approval of the specific market sector, which in turn promotes the widespread acceptance of the DINplus mark.
The certification scheme developed by DIN CERTCO, proceeding an the basis of the relevant standards, specifies quality criteria and other requirements together with the appropriate testing and inspection measures.
Competence in the specification of requirements and transparency of the procedure are prime concerns.
The DINplus mark is a certification mark, i.e. testing and assessment are conducted by third-party bodies.
Testing is carried out in accordance with the certification scheme by testing laboratories recognized by DIN CERTCO.
Assessment is undertaken by DIN CERTCO, as the certification body, an the basis of the test report.
Regular monitoring of the product is based an the specifications made in the corresponding certification scheme.
Assuming that assessment is positive, the manufacturers or their representatives receive a certificate which indicates the fulfilment of the special requirements by their product and authorizes them to use the DINplus mark.

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DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH