Since 2005 DIN CERTCO offers the certification for logistic companies which transport wood pellets and operate interim storages. Since the beginning the aim was to ensure the high product quality of DINplus wood pellets during the entire logistic chain from the manufacturer to the end user.
To archive this target the certification scheme describes the following points:
- Internal training for employees with among other things the following points:
- Transport from interim storage to interim storage
- Customer relationship (appointment note, with instructions to switch off the furnace in time, etc)
- Filling in of check lists
- Preparing filling of fuel storage
- Requirements for pellet storage in accordance with applicable guidelines
- Precaution in regard to CO emission
- Requirements for the necessary technical equipment of transport vehicles and equipment
- Requirements for storage for the companies with interim storages.
Trust is good – DINplus is better!

With the recognized and neutral quality mark DINplus DIN CERTCO offers the manufacturer an opportunity to convince its customers of the quality of its service.
The companies document with DIN-certification that their service comply with all applicable requirements of the standard and that their work has been inspected and certified by a neutral, independent and competent body.
Basis of Testing
The basis to issue the mark is the DIN CERTCO certification scheme “Quality assurance in transport and storage logistic for wood pellets”. The certification scheme based on the following standards:
DIN EN ISO 20023 "Safety of solid biofuel pellets - Safe handling and storage of wood pellets in residential and other small-scale applications"
DIN EN ISO 17225-2 "Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes - Part 2: Graded wood pellets”
DIN EN ISO 9001 "Quality management systems – Requirements"
Only those companies can become certified with the quality mark "DINplus", which have proved their conformity with the certification scheme by a successfully passed inspection carried out by an inspection body recognized by DIN CERTCO and subsequent neutral evaluation.
In addition, to the first year inspection before the certificate can be issued, an inspection is carried out in the 3rd and 5th year of the certification.
After a positive evaluation of results DIN CERTCO issues a certificate valid for 5 years. The registration for the unambiguous identification of the certificate has following structure: FB1Pxxx.

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DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH