Certification of Services
The quality of services is often intangible. This opens up a wide area in which quality marks are urgently needed. Services of high complexity involve different degrees of organisation, performance, handling and customer service. To assess these offers, new forms of standardisation and certification are required.
DIN CERTCO develops objective assessment criteria that ensure that the consumer obtains high quality services and expert advice.
DIN CERTCO certifies service providers who thus document their quality and trustworthiness.
DIN CERTCO awards quality marks that help set off service providers from their competitors.
DIN CERTCO keeps the level of quality of companies and their employees up to the mark by means of regular reviews.
DIN CERTCO separates the wheat from the chaff.
Certification of Qualified Enterprises
Enterprises specifically qualified to offer their customers a skilled craft, trade or service can now apply for corresponding certification.
Certification of trades and services serves to document the competent performance of the skills offered. Following successful testing and assessment, the enterprises concerned are awarded the DIN CERTCO "Qualified Enterprise" certificate as evidence of their special qualification.
The scope of this form of certification covers such aspects as the basic and further training of staff, assessment of the trade or service by independent experts, award of the certificate and monitoring of its continuing validity, i.e. periodic review of the performance of the trade or service.
The Benefits at a Glance
DIN-Geprüft Qualified Enterprises view themselves as partners of their customers. The certificate and mark documenting their special skills serve to distinguish them from the mass of their competitors as enterprises committed to the achievement of quality and customer satisfaction.

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DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH