Certification Scheme Biodegradable in Marine Environment

Berlin | 01.09.2023

Since August 2023, DIN CERTCO GmbH offers a new certification scheme according to the international standard ISO 22403 "Plastics - Assessment of the intrinsic biodegradability of materials exposed to marine inocula under mesophilic aerobic laboratory conditions". Together with experts from research, testing and industry, a certification committee developed a certification scheme for testing and evaluating marine biodegradable products.

We test and certify according to ISO 22403, the first international standard for the assessment of intrinsic biodegradability of materials in marine environments. In addition to biodegradability, the certification scheme "Biodegradable in Marine Environments" also defines criteria for marine toxicity and disintegration. The content of heavy metals and other substances of concern are also taken into account.

We would be happy to send you more information or explain everything to you in a personal meeting. Please feel free to contact us at: sales-environment(at)dincertco.de

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