Class A and B pellets from wood alternatives, straw, bamboo, coffee, rice, grass cuttings | TÜV Rheinland

Non-Woody Pellets

With us you can prove consistently high quality of your pellets class A and B from wood alternatives

The energy transition requires versatile solutions. According to the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), bioenergy now accounts for the largest share of renewable energy provision in Germany and worldwide. As renewable raw materials, the new non-wood biomass pellets help to meet our energy needs from climate-friendly sources. Straw pellets, bamboo pellets, coffee pellets, rice pellets, pellets made from grass clippings and other biomass pellets are considered a sensible alternative to wood.

However, manufacturers of such bioenergy sources face some challenges. Boiler manufacturers rarely mention non-wood pellets as possible fuels because there is a lack of proof of consistently good quality characteristics in this segment. The same counts for end consumers, who do not know exactly what properties they can expect from non-wood pellets and are therefore reluctant to buy them. At the same time, manufacturers have to keep up in a highly competitive market where it is difficult to stand out from the competition.

DIN EN ISO 17225-6 - pellet

Our DINplus non-wood pellet certification, based on independent analyses and revisions with the corresponding test mark, is the solution to all these challenges! It opens up great sales opportunities for you as a manufacturer of non-wood pellets. Our test reports provide clear information about the fuel quality of non-wood pellets. This is how our DINplus mark and its quality statement create maximum confidence in your products.

Take advantage of this certification for your non-wood pellets. Our experts are happy to answer you specific questions.

Stand out from the competition and build trust

As a manufacturer, you clearly stand out from the competition through the certification of DINplus non-wood pellets. In this way, you expand your market position or quickly establish yourself as a newcomer in this demanding market. You document the high quality of your pellets and gain the trust of traders as well as end consumers.

Boiler manufacturers are also far more likely to approve certified products for their heating systems. Our DINplus certification program ensures that non-wood pellets with a high calorific value have low pollutant emissions and, as far as possible, no operating faults in the pellet boiler.

In short, certification gives your customers a reliable decision-making and orientation aid in favor of your products in a complex and growing market.

How to make your non-wood pellets ready for the market

Non-wood pellets with proven high quality | TÜV Rheinland

The growing demand for alternative heating systems starts with the fuel. Non-wood pellets are a real alternative to heating oil and natural gas.

Just as with wood pellets, you can now also have non-wood pellets certified by DIN CERTCO according to DINplus. This applies to biomass residues, e.g. from coffee, bamboo, rice, grasses, coconuts, wheat residues, sugar beet and cane residues, etc. Until now, such materials have often been dumped as waste or burned in an uncontrolled manner. With a DINplus certification, they rise to become a controlled and tested fuel.

Traders can also use the DINplus quality mark for the pellets they sell through so-called sub-certificates.

Recognized and trained auditors inspect all production sites. In addition, our experts also send samples of the non-wood pellets to an independent laboratory recognized by us. All laboratory tests are based on standardized test methods according to DIN EN ISO 17225-6.

The accompanying documents and packaging of the non-woody pellets must clearly refer to the non-woody biomass. Background: Non-woody pellets may only be used in suitable firing systems and stoves that are permitted for this fuel according to the manuals, national guidelines and laws. Therefore, we also check documents such as the information on the packaging, to prove the conformity.

The basis for the testing and certification of non-wood pellets are

  • DIN EN ISO 17225-6 – Fuel specifications and classes, Part 6: Classification of non-woody pellets (ISO 17225-6:2021).
  • the DIN CERTCO certification program "Non-woody pellets”

In order to document the quality properties of non-wood pellets, we test e.g.:

  • water content
  • bulk density
  • fines content
  • calorific value
  • ash content
  • chemical impurities

In addition, we determine the so-called ash softening temperature. This is important to assess the tendency to form slag.

After a positive assessment, we issue the certificate and perform annual revision. The certificate is valid for five years and can be renewed for another five years.

In the interest of maximum transparency, all DIN CERTCO certificate holders are listed at dincertco.en.

Experience and know-how: DINplus quality mark

DIN CERTCO has more than 20 years of experience in auditing, test awarding and certification of pellets. Based on this competence and decades of success, DIN CERTCO has developed the certification for non-wood pellets.

Our DINplus mark and its quality statement are established worldwide, professionally recognized and enjoy the trust of consumers. All DIN CERTCO certificate holders can be viewed at any time in our certificate database. Our experts have extensive industry experience and cooperate with qualified testing laboratories to test your products.

Application documents

pdf Application for certification 195 KB Download
pdf Certification Scheme 381 KB Download
pdf Flyer - Your way to certified biomass pellets 23 MB Download
pdf Leaflet Packaging 156 KB Download
pdf General Terms and Conditions 327 KB Download

Certificate holders and testing laboratories

Certificate Holder

Recognized test partners

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