Pellets for commercial use (Industriepellets) are wood pellets that do not have to be made exclusively from natural finished wood. They are used as fuel in large heating systems and power plants as an alternative to fuel oil or natural gas.
The new DIN-Geprüft certification scheme for wood pellets for commercial use ("DIN-Geprüft Industriepellets") from DIN CERTCO has been introduced to complement the existing, internationally recognized DINplus certification for wood pellets of property class A1 under European standard, by also offering DIN certification for wood pellets of property class B under this standard.
As a result, manufacturers of wood pellets for commercial use now also have the opportunity to have their products voluntarily certified by a completely independent, impartial and competent body. Create confidence among your customers by labeling your pellets with the internationally recognized certification mark: "DIN-Geprüft Industriepellets".
One of the elements of the testing and certification process for pellets for commercial use is an inspection of the internal production control system employed to ensure consistent pellet quality.
Product testing, which covers all of the pellet properties described in the standard, is carried out by fully competent DIN CERTCO-recognized testing laboratories .
Once the tests have been passed successfully, DIN CERTCO issues a certificate that is valid for 5 years. This certificate can then be extended by a further 5 years on a rolling basis provided that regular monitoring of the production facilities and pellets is concluded successfully.
Visit Certificate Holders for a completely up-to-date list of all approved certificate holders for pellets for commercial use
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DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH