Air admittance valves for drainage systems are used for the balancing of fluctuating pressures within drainage systems in buildings. They are closed in the idle state and open only in the case of low pressure.
For planners, installers and consumers it becomes increasingly difficult to decide on the right product, especially as the products hardly differ externally.
As the quality of the product has significant influence on its life time, the right purchase decision is worth hard cash. Meaningful testing and certification offer more reliability, that the product works trouble free.
Confidence is good - KEYMARK und DIN-Geprüft ist better

Since October 2003, manufacturers of air admittance valves may use the new European quality mark for products "KEYMARK", and mark their products with it.
It demonstrates that the products are voluntarily tested and surveyed by neutral, independent and competent bodies according to uniform European quality criteria. That improves the confidence of users and consumers - throughout Europe.
For manufacturers, the KEYMARK offers the advantage to market their products with a uniform quality mark all over Europe.
Testing and certification foundations
Testing and certification foundations granting the KEYMARK in combination with the certification mark "DIN-Geprüft" is based on the certification scheme "Air admittance valves for drainage systems" of DIN CERTCO and the European standard DIN EN 12380 "Air admittance valves for drainage systems - Requirements, test methods and evaluation of conformity".
Quality criteria
It specifies the requirements and testing procedures for air admittance valves. The following criteria are subject to the testing:
- Cennections and sealing material
- Airtightness
- Durability
- Effectiveness
- Opening characteristics
Furthermore the manufacturer has to operate a product related factory production control taking into account the elements of DIN EN ISO 9000 series.
Testing and assessment
Only those air admittance valves are certified with the KEYMARK in combination with "DIN-Geprüft", that were successfully tested by a testing laboratory approved by DIN CERTCO, neutrally assessed and thus proofed their compliance with the relevant standards.
After a positive result of the assessment, DIN CERTCO issues a certificate that is unlimited valid, provided that the surveillance (annual inspection and type re-testing every 2 years) shows that the preconditions are fulfilled.
The registration No. for the identification of the certified products has the following structure: 011-7Bxxx.
All licensees are listed on our website at "Certifiacte Holder".

We are pleased to answer your questions
DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH